Black and white photos of 5 NC choreographers.

Made in NC


The Made in NC program features the world premiere of five ADF-commissioned works by North Carolina artists. Renay Aumiller will present a work integrating ideologies and practices from Adrienne Marie Brown’s Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds into a choreographic process to explore its effects on inclusion and belonging within the cast and collaborators. Caroline Calouche is known for blending a variety of dance and circus arts disciplines in her choreography. Michelle Pearson, the artistic director of Black Box Dance Theatre, will be presenting a work about loss, love, and life. Kristin Taylor Duncan, a native of Durham will be presenting the light beyond the forest. This new work stems from the idea of building community through energy, healing, and trust in the connections we gain as movers. For her ADF debut, Nicole Vaughan-Diaz will present The Space Between Us, an exploration of human connection and our instincts to build both physical and emotional foundation as a means of preserving togetherness.

Saturday, June 17 at 7:30pm

Parking: Parking is available in the Bryan Center Parking Deck (Parking Garage IV) and can be purchased in advance for $5 per show here.

Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation
Lead support for Made in North Carolina provided by a grant from The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation.

Made in NC residencies at ADF’s Samuel H. Scripps Studios were made possible with support from the Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation.