Application (Winter Intensive)

Summer 2022 Tuition:

Application Fee $60 Nonrefundable
Tuition Full-Time $2,275 Nonrefundable $300 deposit, credited towards tuition
Tuition Part-Time (1 class) $750 Includes performance tickets & additional drop-in classes

Summer 2022 Optional Fees:

Housing & Meals – Single Dorm $3,035* Air-conditioned dorm & 3 meals per day
Housing & Meals – Double Dorm $2,715* Air-conditioned dorm & 3 meals per day
Student Health Center Fee $TBD* Visit Duke’s Health Fee page for services covered
East/Central Campus Parking Fee $34* Parking permits are purchased upon arrival
Visa Assistance Fee $125
Wire Transfer Fee $50
Withdrawal Fee $40
Returned Check Fee $30

*Estimated Duke University fees, to be finalized by spring 2022.

Please note:

  • Dorm rooms cannot be guaranteed unless paid by May 16, 2022.

Applications will open January 2022

  1. Fill out an online application form and submit a $60 nonrefundable application fee (not credited toward tuition).
  2. ADF will review your application for the program and send you notification of acceptance via email within 1 week of submission.
  3. After you are accepted into the program, complete the following within your application:
    • Submit audition materials for Footprints or repertory classes by April 1. Auditioning is optional.
    • Submit scholarship materials by March 1 or April 1 to be considered for financial assistance.
    • Class registration is available March 1. You must submit your deposit first in order to register for classes.

ADF does not require an audition to enroll in the Summer Dance Intensive, unless you are applying for a tuition scholarship or auditioning for a Footprints or repertory class, in which case a live and/or video audition submission is required.

Application correspondence will be channeled through your Acceptd account.
For technical issues with the online application, contact Acceptd: 888-725-2122 or

March 1 Class registration opens online
March 1 Priority Deadline: Scholarship application
March 15 Priority Scholarship awards announced
April 1 Final Deadline: Auditions & Scholarship application
April 15 Auditions & Final Scholarship awards announced
May 16 Final payment, completed forms, academic credit application due
June 15 Last day to withdraw and receive a refund:
$300 deposit and $60 application fee are nonrefundable

$40 withdrawal fee applies
June 16 Arrive at ADF!
July 18 Depart ADF

Health Insurance

Participants in all programs must provide ADF with proof of adequate health insurance coverage. Students are responsible for obtaining adequate coverage on their own. Proof of coverage must be provided before arrival. Students will not be allowed to take class until the ADF School office has their insurance information on file—no exceptions!

COVID Policies & Protocols

As the situation continues to evolve, ADF’s COVID policies and protocols will be updated in accordance with NC Governor Cooper’s office, the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), CDC guidelines, and Duke University. 

These policies and protocols will change, and we appreciate patience and cooperation. To be successful, we need full participation in risk mitigation protocol from our students, staff, faculty, and parents/guardians. In exchange, we will provide transparent communication and clear updates as changes occur. A complete list of COVID policies and protocols will be available in spring 2022.

Vaccinations & Testing
In accordance with Duke University’s policies, all ADF students, faculty, and staff must submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Medical or religious exemptions may be available, but has not yet been confirmed as an option. Baseline COVID testing of all participants and staff may be required as part of the check-in/move-in process and surveillance testing may continue throughout the summer.

ADF and Duke University require masks/face coverings in indoor public spaces for all individuals regardless of vaccination status.

  • Masks/face coverings are required for all guests over the age of 5 regardless of vaccination status.
  • Masks/face coverings are required at all times except when actively eating or drinking.
  • Reasonable accommodations for guests with medical or behavioral conditions or disabilities will be available through the office of Duke University Disability Management.

Application fee, deposit, and program payments are completed through the online application

  • Additional payment options are via over the phone or mail a check. 
  • Accepted forms of payment:
    • All major credit/debit cards (preferred)
    • Personal check, bank check, certified check, or cashier check
    • Money order
  • Checks should be made out to “ADF” or “American Dance Festival” and mailed to:
    • ADF School, Box 90772, Durham, NC 27708
  • All student accounts must be paid in full by the May 16th deadline. Payments must be received or postmarked by this date. 
  • Payment after the deadline requires special arrangements with the ADF School office.

Note: Any payment made in-person, over the phone, or by check may not immediately appear in your ADF online application. Scholarships may not immediately appear in your ADF online application upon acceptance. Call or email the ADF School office to confirm your account information before making a payment.


  • Summer 2022:
    • The $60 application fee and $300 tuition deposit are nonrefundable.
    • May 16, 2022
      All paid tuition (less the $300 deposit), housing, and meal fees will be refunded in full only if written notice of withdrawal is received on or before this date.
    • May 17–June 15, 2022
      Tuition (less the $300 deposit) will be refunded for medical reasons only. A signed doctor’s note is required. Housing and meal fees will be refunded in full.
    • After June 15, 2022
      Tuition will not be refunded for any reason. Prorated housing and meal fees will be refunded if a student leaves the festival early. Housing and meal refunds require approval from Duke University.
  • All program withdrawals will incur a $40 withdrawal fee. When applicable, ADF refunds will be processed within 2–3 weeks of withdrawal.

The ADF School welcomes and encourages students from around the world to apply to the Summer Dance Intensive. ADF has hosted students from countries including (but not limited to): Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Guyana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Trinidad.



ADF is able to submit a DS2019 form for international students who wish to obtain a J1 visa. This visa will only cover the dates of the four-week festival. Students are responsible for all other steps involved in obtaining a J1 visa beyond the DS2019.

If a foreign student requires assistance for obtaining a visa, a $125 fee will be added to their bill. This fee must be paid even if the visa application is not approved. This fee only covers ADF processing and will not cover additional visa fees incurred from the US government. Students must pay all other fees directly to their local US Embassy.

International students who need a visa to attend ADF should email EARLY so the visa is obtained in a timely manner. Visa appointments may need to be booked as early as three months in advance of the festival.

The ADF and Duke University offer equal opportunity of admission to all applicants.