Two dancers in blue shirts pose together with arms overlapping

Helen Simoneau Danse and Stephen Petronio & Johnnie Cruise Mercer


Helen Simoneau Danse
Program: Delicate Power
Helen Simoneau Danse Website

Delicate Power examines the different ways we yield, share or exert power as individuals and within communities. The work subverts expectations of power by asking: What does power look like without the need for dominance? How is power revealed or embodied when innate and not hard-fought? What is power rooted in respect? Power without ego? Movement and intricate structures of design convey the strength within softness, the potency of empathetic exchange, resilience forged in reflection, and propulsion stemming from confidence and trust. Delicate Power is an investigation of command without force.

This dance features an original score by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and musician Caroline Shaw, with dramaturgy by Melanie George and costume design by Quinn Czejkowski.

Stephen Petronio & Johnnie Cruise Mercer
Program: 30 Intervals/15 Minutes
Stephen Petronio Company Website

Stephen Petronio and Johnnie Cruise Mercer bring their specific embodied histories to a dance of intentional and unconscious connections. The result is a new duet generated from movement and space-based improvisational scores, with original music by Monstah Black, a collaborator who has worked closely with both artists. Together, they embark on a choreographic experiment, a generational conversation between bodies fueled by their similar/different queer-radical pasts.

Buy tickets for:
Thursday, June 23 at 7:30 PM

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Doris Duke Charitable FoundationSamuel H. Scripps SHS FoundationSouth ArtsNew England Foundation for the ArtsThe Charles and Gross Family Foundation

Helen Simoneau Danse
Delicate Power by Helen Simoneau is co-commissioned by ADF with support from the Doris Duke/ SHS Foundations Award for New Works.

The presentation of Delicate Power is provided with support from South Arts in partnership with The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the New England Foundation for the Arts’National Dance Project with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Mellon Foundation.

Stephen Petronio Company
30 Intervals/15 Minutes by Stephen Petronio and Johnnie Cruise Mercer is commissioned by ADF with support from the Doris Duke/SHS Foundations Award for New Works.

A new music composition and live performance by Monstah Black is commissioned by ADF with support from The Charles and Joan Gross Family Foundation.