Children’s Matinee: Pilobolus


Program: Walklyndon, Solo from the Empty Suitor, and Behind the Shadows
Children’s Matinee
Running Time:
50-60 minutes
Pilobolus Website

Rules @ Play is a lively, interactive show created specifically for a youth audience. Throughout life, we all encounter rules, and we usually view them negatively. Rules @ Play explores how rules actually provide opportunities to solve problems and overcome challenges. They spark creativity, and in our case, give us tools to make dances. In this fun, engaging and accessible show, Pilobolus dancers perform and analyze four of the company’s pieces through movement and discussion on and off stage, showcasing the benefit of playing by the rules.

The performance will be followed by a FREE Kid’s Party at the Landing of the Bryan Center, complete with activities, snacks, and live music.

Photo credit: Grant Halverson

Parking: Parking is available in the Bryan Center Parking Deck (Parking Garage IV) and can be purchased in advance for $5 per show here.

$12 Children’s Matinee tickets are made possible with support from Jody and John Arnhold/Arnhold Foundation.