Reception Honoring Gerri Houlihan


ADF is dedicating this year’s season to Gerri at the Faculty & Musicians Concert.

Immediately after, join us at the ADF Scripps Studios (721 Broad Street) for a reception honoring Gerri!

There is a $20 entry fee that goes directly to the Gerri Houlihan Scholarship Fund for future ADF students. Credit card, cash, check, and Venmo accepted at the door.

Parking is available at the the studio, along Broad Street and behind ADF’s offices at 715 Broad Street.

If you would like to submit a note or small token/gift for Gerri, please deliver to the ADF Store at Gilbert-Addoms Residence Hall (1368 Campus Drive) by this Saturday, June 24. The store is open Monday through Friday 9am–6pm and Saturday 10am–4pm (no sales on Saturday).

Can’t make it on Sunday? You can still contribute to the Scholarship Fund here.