Ticket Packages & Discounts

Tickets on Sale April 29!

 Tickets are purchased through Duke University’s Box Office online at tickets.duke.edu, by email at tickets@duke.edu, by phone at (919) 684-4444, or in person at the Duke University Box Office located in the Bryan Center (125 Science Drive Durham, NC).

Discounts may not be combined with any other offers per purchase.
Ticket discounts do not apply to Dance Parties or Children’s Matinees unless otherwise noted.

Ticket Package Options

Package options are for one ticket to multiple different performances. You may purchase more than one package. Package options will automatically default to the best available seat within your selected seating tier. To select specific seats when purchasing packages, your order must be completed over the phone or in person at Duke’s Box Office.

For additional tickets after you have purchased a package, you may purchase regularly priced single tickets or select another one of our discounted ticket packages.

Children’s Matinee Package

Pick all 3: $40 for one ticket to each Children’s Matinee.

Purchase a package for one ticket to attend all 3 Children’s Matinees performances for $40. To redeem, select the “Pick all 3” package offer when purchasing tickets.

The Children’s Matinee series includes performances by three of the acclaimed professional dance companies on Saturdays at 12:00 pm. The 2025 companies include Pilobolus (June 21), Ballet Hispánico (June 28), and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company & Paul Taylor Dance Company (July 26). These one-hour performances are specially curated to ignite and inspire the imaginations of children, and each one is followed by a FREE Kids Party in the lobby of the Bryan Center, complete with live music and activities. 

Children’s Matinee tickets are made possible with support from Jody and John Arnhold/Arnhold Foundation.

★ Get Out 4 Dance! ★

Pick 4: 20% off tickets to 4–7 different performances.

Pick 8: 25% off tickets to 8 or more different performances.

Purchase a package for one ticket to attend 4 or more different performances and receive 20% off (47) or 25% off (8+). To redeem, select the “Pick 4” or “Pick 8” package offer when purchasing tickets.

★ Golden Ticket for Dance Educators ★

5 different performances for $100 for dance educators.

ADF is pleased to offer a special package of 5 different performances for $100 for dance educators. Please contact Heidi Rodeffer at heidir@americandancefestival.org for more information on redeeming this offer. Does not apply to the Opening Night, 6/12, performance.

Golden Tickets for Dance Educators are made possible with support from the Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation.

2025 Season Package Specials

★ ADF Commissioned World Premieres ★

$80 for prime tickets to two openings of ADF Commissioned World Premieres.

Experience prime (Tier 1) seating on the opening nights of two world-premiere commissioned performances for $80. Applies to Footprints (7/12 at 7:30 pm) and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company & Paul Taylor Dance Company (7/25 at 7:30 pm). To redeem, select the “ADF Premieres” offer when purchasing tickets.

★ Altogether Different ★

3 contrasting performances for $75.

Challenge and expand your dance horizons by attending 3 contrasting performances curated for the curious at heart for only $75. To redeem, select the “Pick 3 altogether” offer when purchasing tickets. Applies to the provided curated options and Tier 2 and/or general admission seating only.

Curated options: Pick 3 of the 4 curated selections to attend

Dancing with Bob: Rauschenberg, Brown and Cunningham Onstage with special guest Paul Taylor Dance Company/Forces of Nature/Miguel Gutierrez/Bulareyaung Dance Company

★ Ballet Hispánico & Latin Dance Party ★

$60 to attend both Ballet Hispáncio and the Latin Dance Party.

Attend a performance of Ballet Hispánico (on 6/27 or 6/29) and join us for at the Latin Dance Party on 6/28 featuring company dancers, a live band, and dance contest for $60. To redeem, select the “Dance + Party” offer when purchasing tickets. Applies to Tier 2 seats only.

Single Ticket Discounts

★ ADF GO ★

Patrons ages 18–30 are able to purchase performance tickets for $20.

A program designed to make modern dance more accessible and affordable through discounted tickets for art lovers aged 18–30. To redeem, select the “ADF GO” price when purchasing tickets. Patrons must pick up their tickets via Will Call where they will be required to present a valid ID. One ticket (per show) per ID. Limited quantities available. Does not apply to Price Level 1 tickets in Reynolds Industries Theater and Page Auditorium.

★ Kids Night Out (KNO) ★

BOGO: Buy one adult regular-priced ticket, get one youth ticket for FREE.

One youth, aged 6–17, is able to attend a performance FREE with the purchase of one regular-priced adult ticket. To redeem, select the “Kids Night Out” option when purchasing tickets. Parents and guardians are encouraged to use discretion as some performances contain adult content. 

If you have a child under 6, we encourage you to consider coming to a Children’s Matinee or selecting seats near the back and on an aisle for easier access to an exit. If your child attends a regular ADF performance and begins to make noise, we kindly request that you exit the theater promptly to ensure an enjoyable experience for all audience members. For events in Page or Reynolds, a limited number of sensory kits are available for checkout. Please see an usher for assistance.

Kids’ Night Out is made possible with support from The Durham Merchants Association Charitable Foundation.

Group Discounts

25% off tickets for groups of 10 or more to the same performance.

Groups of 10 or more (purchased at the same time for the same show) receive 25% off single tickets. To redeem, select the “Group 10+” offer when purchasing tickets.

For assistance with redeeming Group Discounts, contact:
• Heidi Rodeffer at heidir@americandancefestival.org, or
• The Duke Box Office by email at tickets@duke.edu by phone at (919) 684-4444, or in person at the Duke University Box Office located in the Bryan Center (125 Science Drive Durham, NC)

$15 tickets for 15 or more students, plus two free adult tickets, to the same performance.

Groups of 15 or more students ages 6–17 (purchased at the same time for the same show) receive $15 tickets + 2 additional adult tickets for free. One adult from the group must pick up the tickets via Will Call. Does not apply to Price Level 1 tickets in Reynolds Industries Theater and Page Auditorium or performances in the von der Heyden. Please contact Heidi Rodeffer at heidir@americandancefestival.org for more information on redeeming this offer.

For groups with more than 15 students, an additional free adult ticket will be provided for each additional 10.

Service fees may apply to all discounts.

Questions about ticket discounts and special offers?
Email Heidi Rodeffer at heidir@americandancefestival.org with any inquiries.