A performer posing in a desert

Movies By Movers Screenings


ADF’s Movies By Movers is an annual film festival dedicated to the celebration of the conversation between the body and the camera. We love sharing the history of the collaboration between the ephemeral art of live movement and the perpetual nature of film.

Each Movies By Movers event will showcase 2-3 themed blocks of selected films. There will be a brief intermission between the blocks.

“Gone to Carolina in My Mind” – NC Filmmakers, starting at 2:00pm
Jitterbird Remembers Again, Sarah Adams Bean
The Lovies, Robin Neveu Brown, Kevin Alan Brown
MitiMiti, Laura Gutierrez
unt/ether, Anna Barker
Don’t Be AaDrag, Kate Gupton
Heartbeat Amplified, Masha Dashkina Maddux
ÌBÀ OBÍNRIN, Tamara Williams
Bury the Light, Alex Maness, Jim Haverkamp, Stacy Wolfson, Curtis Eller
Landfall, Kate Weare, Jack Flame Sorokin
Of the Air, Alexa Velez

“Schools’ Out for Summer” – Student Films, starting at 3:30pm
Trigger Warning, Robin Prichard
Itadaku, Sophia Mai Wolfe
Relics of the Afrofuture, Ivy Nicole Jonet
Grenadine, Grace Scott
Where’s Walden, Barbara McAlister
Red Line, Irishia Hubbard
Go too far, Jiahui Lin, Liuyang Yue
all she wears, Jessica Michal
Eyes on you, Claire Schiffer
Pronom AI, Alexander Petit Olivieri

Featured photo from Landfall, Kate Weare, Jack Flame Sorokin

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