A close-up on a dancer in a deep lunge in a dance studio.

qUest wiRx co-lab ‘kintsugi’, work-in-progress by nina be


ADF is pleased to host free informal showings of dance pieces in-progress in our Scripps Studio. Masking is at the discretion of the artist. Space is limited and registration is required.

‘kintsugi’ is the japanese philosophy of “no-mind (mushin), which encompasses the concept of non-attachment, acceptance of change, and fate as aspects of human life”, also meaning “joining with gold”.

this work is about the journey of fragments from generational trauma. a multidisciplinary work, depicting the phylogeny of living resilience from the difficulty of birthing each unique moment.
we want to open the conversation to normalize suffering as a part of cultural wisdom.

Registration Required! For any questions, please contact Jennifer Scully-Thurston, jscullythurston@americandancefestival.org

nina be

choreographer and director of qUest wiRx moves from ballet to butoh and beyond… to dismantle the tension of performing that steals the soul of the owner of the stories and looks to the outside world for validation, applause, the normal. i believe the process is the richest part of art//life is art.

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Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

ADF studio subsidy program funded by the Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation.